March 3, 2012

Automotive Social Media Marketing 101

Automotive Social Media Marketing is very simple if you understand two principles.
Either you are interesting, or, you share interesting ideas.
If you're able to create your very own interesting content that aligns with your brand, then by all means do it.
The alternative, is to find interesting content and share   They are both equally effective if used correctly
The big mistake most businesses make with social media is, advertise their product by posting discount prices and expecting client or customer to pick up the phone and call.
Social media marketing is content marketing designed to draw your customer in with interesting ideas that are in alignment with your brand. If you want to use social media as a marketing tool then you have to understand that it is a long term investment. I see hundreds of pages that have been abandoned on facebook, twitter, and YouTube, with limited postings and a clear message that says we don't think this works, or, we have tried it, and never sold anything.
social media marketing is about content, but more importantly, it is content that is interesting that will separate you from the pack.
Some people do not like what I do
and that's okay. Some people love what I do and those are the ones that I want to reach because, they are more like me, and their friends are more like them, and they are my market.
Your message, your brand, your customer.  If you can share your message in an interesting way, others will share it as well.

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