February 20, 2012

The Waiting.....

If you spend any time in the car business, you learn very quicky that alot of time is spent staring at a row of cars that are begging you to find them a home.
So I ask you, is it easier to sell a car or is it easier to find a customer who is looking for the car you have?

The first, requires patience and discipline. Of which I have neither.
The second, requires much more.

If you have patience and discipline you can kill it where ever you decide to sell cars.

If you are like me, you will struggle every day trying to figure out what to do while you are watching the lot!  I can call customers send emails unlock cars and grab Starbucks all before 9:30 am.

So I went to management and said "teach me something, I want to learn the car business".

I'm still waiting. So I decided to learn  marketing. I figure if I can learn how to market one car, then my success is solely my own, and I never have to wait for another customer ever again.

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