March 7, 2012

What is your Moneyball?

@RideDerty Dirty
If you haven't seen  Moneyball, or have been trying to decide if you want to see it, I'm here to say that it is a great movie.  It's a story about baseball, but more than that it's a story about change.  It's a story about doing things differently. It's a story about overcoming the fear of failure. It's a story about making a difference.  If you want to be inspired watch  Moneyball.

Have you ever started something a bit risky, then stopped because you were afraid of what people might say if you fail. Have you have ever had a feeling that something wasn't right, but were too afraid to say anything?
The money ball is a movie you have to watch. The difference between crazy and genius is very hard to distinguish. The difference between courage and fear is allot easier to see.Courage is simply when you stop believing others and begin to believe in yourself. If you can learn to believe that you alone know what is best for you, then you become unstoppable.
Right now on this planet, in this country, there are people who are getting paid to do exactly what they love to do. 
Billy Beane became the manager of the Oakland A's and it would take him 20 years to make is mark on the game. While I was watching this movie I couldn't help but feel the fear he must have felt when he would start to doubt himself. People would say negative things about what he was doing.  I watched Money Ball and came out of the theater more determined that ever.
I've encountered, more so in the last 6 months, negative comments and for obvious reasons. I've learned that anytime someone goes against what has always been done, there are always those who will fight to the death to maintain the status-quo.

No one believed Billy Beane would win.  Even Billy had his doubts at times. He won 20 times in a row!

He kept going.

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